St. Mary's Seminary & University

LTS Master of Divinity Partnership

Lancaster Theological Seminary Master of Divinity Partnership

For Part-time students with full-time lives.

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute has partnered with Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster, PA to offer part-time students a pathway to the Master of Divinity.

Earn the Master of Divinity from Lancaster Theological Seminary.

Take your first 12 classes at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute (36 credits)
Complete your MDiv coursework through Lancaster Theological Seminary.
Apply now to start your journey at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute   Apply now to continue your journey at Lancaster Theological Seminary

“The EI dinner table and classrooms fostered so many friendships across denominations that have shaped who I am.”

-Yost, MDiv Partnership alum, EI DMin student

Admissions process

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute (EI) will award one full-tuition need-based scholarship to a selected United Methodist applicant who lives, works, or worships in Baltimore City to begin studies in fall 2022. The scholarship covers 100% of tuition for the 36 credits taken at the Ecumenical Institute as part of the MDiv partnership program with Lancaster Theological Seminary. Applicants not selected for the EI MDiv Scholarship will automatically be considered for the Ecumenical Institute’s Patterson Fellows program (which provides significant partial tuition scholarships).

Download the details and MDiv Scholarship Application form here  or contact Galen Zook [email protected] for more information.

This fall, St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute is holding monthly Theology Town Hall meetings. You can view recordings of past town halls on the EI’s YouTube channel. For more information on upcoming Theology Town Halls, please contact Dr. Rebecca Hancock


Vanessa LovelaceOutsider Within: A Womanist Reading of Hebrew Bible Narratives as the Politics of Belonging
Wednesday, November 18 2020
12:30 p.m.

Rev. Vanessa Lovelace, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs & Dean
Lancaster Theological Seminary

Dr. Lovelace is Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and Dean and Vice President of Lancaster Theological Seminary, a school with which the EI has a partnership providing a pathway to the MDiv. Her teaching and research interests include interpreting biblical texts using literary criticism and theory of gender and nation through a womanist lens. The November Theology Town Hall will focus on her current research project, a monograph titled Outsider Within: A Womanist Reading of Hebrew Bible Narratives as the Politics of Belonging

Join the Town Hall


Leading Leaders in a Time of Pandemic
The Rt. Rev. Carl Walter Wright
Bishop Suffragan for Armed Forces & Federal Ministries of the Episcopal Church

Carl Walter WrightThe Rt. Rev. Carl Wright is Bishop Suffragan for Armed Forces and Federal Ministry for the Episcopal Church. Next semester, he will be one of the presenters for the EI’s Leading Leaders course in the DMin program. His theology town hall focuses on the topic, “Leading Leaders in a Time of Pandemic.” 

Might from the Margins
Rev. Dennis R. Edwards, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of New Testament, North Park Theological Seminary

Dr. Edwards is professor of New Testament and Biblical Greek at North Park Theological Seminary and also teaches in the EI’s DMin program. He holds an MDiv from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and a PhD in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America. He has been in urban ministry for three decades, and has started churches in Brooklyn, NY and Washington DC. In the September Theology Town Hall, Dr. Edwards discusses one of his newest books, Might from the Margins: The Gospel’s Power to Turn the Tables on Injustice




Master of Divinity Pathways

The EI provides two MDiv pathways: Dual-Degree Admission (our MDiv equivalent), and our MDiv Partnership Program.

Admissions Process

Multiple Degree Pathways

Weeknight and Saturday Classes

100% Online or Hybrid

ATS Accredited

Dual-Degree Admissions (MDiv Equivalent)

Prospective or current students may apply to pursue both the M.A. in Theology (MAT) and the M.A. in Christian Ministries (MACM), either simultaneously or sequentially. Applicants must meet the admissions criteria for each degree. The following guidelines should be carefully reviewed.

In accordance with accreditation standards, St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute allows up to 24 credits from one degree program to be applied to another degree program. Thus, with careful planning and advising, a student may be able to complete both degrees by earning 72 credits and completing the culminating experience for each degree. In certain instances, however, more than 72 credits may be required for the completion of both degrees. 

Second-master’s students who have earned a St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute certificate (other than the CAS), and who wish to count their certificate courses toward the degree, are required to take at least 12 credits beyond the certificate. Due to the expiration of credits after 10 years, students applying for a second master’s degree will normally not be allowed to apply expired credits toward a second degree.

Each dual-degree program is individually arranged in consultation with the administration. The 24 credits normally applied to both degree programs are TH601, BS600, two biblical courses, MT600, ST601, a spirituality course, and two other courses.

Students who have earned master’s degrees in theological studies from other institutions may apply for an abbreviated second-master’s degree in either the M.A. in Christian Ministries or the M.A. in Theology program. Credits previously earned are evaluated and applied according to the criteria listed in the preceding paragraphs and the requirements of the degree program to which application is being made.

MDiv Partnerships

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute’s MDiv partnerships with Lancaster Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary create pathways for students seeking a Master of Divinity.  Contact Dr. Rebecca Hancock to learn more about the MDiv partnerships.

I have been challenged and my ministry has been enriched by the diversity of traditions and theological perspectives held by my fellow students and faculty. Derek Miller, MACM, MAT ’19

Advanced Standing, Transfer Credit, and Cross-Registration

Master’s Degree candidates must earn at least 24 of their 48 credits, including their culminating experience, in St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute. In addition, they may earn credits from advanced standing, transfer of courses taken at other institutions, and enrollment in St. Mary’s School of Theology according to the policies stated below.

All credits toward a certificate must be earned within St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute.

Advanced Standing without Credit

Advanced standing without credit (no reduction in the total hours required for a degree) may be granted for core courses to candidates in the M.A. in Theology or the M.A. in Christian Ministries upon the decision of the Dean. Such advanced standing is based on undergraduate credits in theology or religious studies that were earned within the past 10 years and completed with a B or better. For each course waived, the student must substitute an elective course in the same department (as guided by the Dean).  A student who desires advanced standing without credit should petition the Dean for a transcript evaluation before registering for the first class. The maximum number of credits that may be replaced with electives on the basis of advanced standing without credit is 12.

Advanced Standing with Credit

The following policy is based on the requirements of the Association of Theological Schools.

Advanced standing with credit (reduction in the total hours required for a degree) may be granted for core courses to candidates for the M.A. in Theology or the M.A. in Christian Ministries who have an undergraduate major or similar significant undergraduate work in theology or religious studies after formal assessment in the course(s) they have pursued and for which the credit is desired. Such advanced standing with credit is based on undergraduate credits that were earned within the past 10 years and completed with a B or better. A student who desires advanced standing with credit should petition the Dean for a transcript evaluation, and for formal assessment in the course for which credit is desired before registering for the first course. The maximum number of credits of advanced standing with credit that can be granted is 9.

Transfer Credits

A student transferring from another institution into the Ecumenical Institute’s M.A. in Theology or Christian Ministries degree program must complete at least 24 of his or her 48 credits, including the culminating experience, in St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute to be eligible for a degree. The decision about transfer of credit, as well as any award of advanced standing, is made by the Dean at the point of admission. The maximum allowance for the combination of advanced standing with credit and transferred graduate credits is 24 credits. Transfer credits must have been earned at an accredited school within the past 10 years and completed with a B or better to be eligible for transfer.

Matriculated students may request permission to take a course concurrently at another institution and transfer the credits into their Ecumenical Institute M.A. This transfer requires approval from the Dean prior to enrolling in the course; requests for courses underway or already completed will not be considered. 

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute does not belong to any consortia of theological schools, but it has working relationships with several schools in the region. Nearby institutions from which transfer credit may be earned with advance approval of the Dean include Wesley Theological Seminary, Howard University Divinity School, and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.

Credits Earned in St. Mary’s School of Theology

Under certain circumstances, Ecumenical Institute students are allowed to cross-register for specific courses in the School of Theology. They must meet the prerequisites for the classes they wish to take, and normally must request permission to cross-register from the E.I. Dean. E.I. students pay E.I. tuition when they register for School of Theology classes as E.I. students.

Students Related to Other Institutions

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute welcomes students from neighboring theological schools and other graduate institutions. In recent years, we have had students from Wesley Theological Seminary, Howard University Divinity School, Lancaster Theological Seminary, the Pastoral Counseling programs at Loyola University Maryland, Notre Dame University of Maryland’s graduate program, and other programs in the region. We also encourage students from the Baltimore area who are considering attending other theological schools in any part of the country to begin their theological studies in St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute