St. Mary's Seminary & University

2024 Annual Dunning Lecture

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute has announced that their 2024 Annual Dunning Lecture will feature Peter Casarella, Ph.D., Professor of Theology at Duke Divinity School. The lecture will be entitled “MARY & THE HOLY SPIRIT: PASTORAL PARADIGMS & ECUMENICAL PROSPECTS” and will be held on Tuesday, October 15th, 7:30 p.m. in Laubacher Hall and broadcast via Zoom. The event is free to attend on campus or by Zoom, but registration is requested at


On Thursday August 8th, 2024 St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute will host a day-long workshop on the topic of Roman Catholic Canon Law.  The cost is $60, lunch included. Attend in person or by Zoom.

Join St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute this Summer 2024 for a Mini-Quest on the topic of Biblical Storytelling, led by internationally-acclaimed storyteller Dr. Tracy Radosevic. This non-credit course with an affordable pricepoint ($300) and manageable schedule (4 Thursday evening sessions, offered exclusively on Zoom) will explore the power of embodying Scripture as an approach to spiritual growth, interpretation, and engaging proclamation.

Class meetings: Thursdays 6-8:30 p.m.  May 23 and 30, June 6 and 13  2024

For more information, contact Galen [email protected] 410-864-4203

Registration for Spring 2024 courses at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute opens on October 30th. Classes start January 8th. Attend in person or online through synchronous Zoom. Courses include:
➤BS714 The Psalms Thursdays, 6 – 8:30 pm Dr. Rebecca Hancock
A study of representative psalms as the songs of ancient Israel, Judaism, and the Christian church.
➤H722 Race in Modern Christian History Tuesdays, 6 – 8:30 pm Dr. Stephen Lloyd
This course will explore the development of Christian discourses and practices related race, racism, and racial reconciliation. Special attention will be paid to the history of race and Christianity in the United States and South Africa.
➤PT744 Transformational Servant Leadership Mondays, 6 – 8:30 p.m. Dr. Anthony Hunt
This course will examine various models and perspectives on transformational and servant leadership, which students will apply to their particular contexts.

The 2023 Dunning Lecture, “Preaching from the Cross: A Reflection on Paul’s Theology of Preaching,” will be held in Laubacher Hall on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. and also broadcast via Zoom. Our 2023 lecturer is Rev. Frank J. Matera, the Andrews-Kelly-Ryan Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at the Catholic University of America. This year’s Dunning Lecture also commemorates the 25th anniversary of the death of world-renowned Sulpician biblical scholar Raymond E. Brown, P.S.S., whose career began at St. Mary’s. The lecture is free to attend in person or online. Registration is requested at: (The Zoom link will be emailed to everyone who registers.)

2023 Dunning Lecture and Raymond E. Brown Commemoration
2023 Dunning Lecture and
Raymond E. Brown Commemoration


Wednesday, November 8th, 2023
7:30 p.m.

Rev. Frank J. Matera
Laubacher Hall and Zoom

This year’s Dunning Lecture also commemorates the 25th anniversary of the death of world-renowned Sulpician biblical scholar Raymond E. Brown, P.S.S., who died on August 8, 1998 and whose career began at St. Mary’s. Fr. Brown then taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York. He was the author of more than 40 books and had a major impact on biblical scholarship within and outside the Catholic Church. His multiple contributions to ecumenical and interfaith dialogues also reached a wide audience.

The 2023 lecturer is Rev. Frank J. Matera, the Andrews-Kelly-Ryan Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at The Catholic University of America. He has recently completed a book on the topic of this lecture.

Fr. Matera is a leading New Testament scholar, a past president of the Catholic Biblical Association, and a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford. Deeply interested in the theological dimensions of the New Testament and its meaning for the Church, Fr. Matera has written commentaries on Romans, Galatians, and 2 Corinthians; several books on New Testament ethics, Christology, and theology; and a Pauline theology. His ecumenical service includes being a member of the Plenary Commission of Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches from 1994 to 2000.

Ordained in 1968, Fr. Matera spent ten years in pastoral ministry before receiving his Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. He then taught at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, MA before moving to Catholic University in 1988. Following his 2012 retirement from CUA, Fr. Matera returned to parish ministry. Now a senior retired pastor, he continues to teach, lecture, and do pastoral work.
Download the flyer.

The lecture is free to attend in person or online, but registration is requested. The Zoom link will be emailed prior to the event to everyone who registers.

Register Here
All E.I. courses are now available wherever you are – in the room, or by synchronous Zoom!
Our mailing address is:
St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute
5400 Roland Ave.
Baltimore, MD  21210-1994


One of the highlights of the 2023 graduation at St. Mary’s Seminary & University was the awarding of the first-ever Doctor of Ministry degrees at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute. The milestone event comes through the completion of studies and awarding of degrees to Allison Raye Harmon and Joyce E. Vance.

Dr. Allison Harmon’s thesis was titled “Reading Joseph in Community: Identity Matters.” Dr. Joyce Vance’s thesis was “Out of the Mouths of Babes: Revitalizing Greater Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church’s Children’s Ministry.”

Rev. Jason Poling is the Director of the D.Min. program. The program is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

Learn more about the Doctor of Ministry program on the St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute pages.

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute’s CONNECT: Faith, Health & Medicine Graduate Certificate Program is now accepting applications for Fall 2023! This cohort-based program integrates faith traditions and medical practices into a holistic understanding of healthy persons, congregations, communities and institutions. 
“In this era when health issues appear on every newscast, CONNECT is an ideal vehicle to help students understand how faith and health interact with each other, even (and especially) in polarizing times.” – Dr. Pat Fosarelli, CONNECT Certificate Program Director.

This Spring, St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute is pleased to welcome 20+ new students, in addition to several new students who are returning to complete degrees that they started many years ago. Welcome (and Welcome Back) to the EI – we’re so glad to have you here!

St. Mary’s own Dr. Bill Scalia has just published his latest book of poetry, titled Signal / Noise.

Dr. Scalia describes the book in his own words: “Signal / Noise concerns our search for meaning amid the noise that is constituent of human experience. Part I, ‘Noise,’ examines the background–and foreground–radiant static of human experience, originating (perhaps) in the Fall. Part II, ‘Signal,’ surfaces hope, an inborn drive for meaningful existence. Part III, ‘Return,’ resolves that search at its genesis and terminus: the idea of home. The controlling themes of Signal / Noise are faith, experience, and the vagaries of God.”

Signal / Noise is available for purchase from:

Dr. Scalia teaches writing, rhetoric, and literature at St. Mary’s and has published widely in literature and film. He holds a Ph.D. in English from Louisiana State University.

The 2022 Dunning Lecture will be held on Thursday, November 10th at 7:30 p.m. in Laubacher Hall.

Event is free to join in person or online, but registration is requested

Edgardo Colón-Emeric is the Dean of Duke Divinity School and the Irene and William McCutchen Associate Professor of Reconciliation and Theology. He also serves as the director of the Center for Reconciliation at the Divinity School.

Colón-Emeric’s work explores the intersection of Methodist and Catholic theologies, and Wesleyan and Latin American experiences. Colón-Emeric has served on the United Methodist Committee on Faith and Order and on both national and international Methodist-Catholic dialogues. In October 2017, he met with Pope Francis as part of a delegation from the Methodist-Catholic Dialogue and presented the pope with a Spanish translation he created of the dialogue’s bilateral statement.

Colón-Emeric’s latest book The People Called Metodistas: Renewing Doctrine, Worship, and Mission from the Margins was released this summer. His other books include Wesley, Aquinas, and Christian Perfection: An Ecumenical Dialogue (Baylor University Press, 2009) which received the 2008 “Aquinas Dissertation Prize Winner” from the Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal at Ave Maria University and Óscar Romero’s Theological Vision: Liberation and the Transfiguration of the Poor (Notre Dame University Press, 2018), which received first place in the 2019 Catholic Press Association award for books about newly canonized saints.