St. Mary's Seminary & University

Youth Theological Studies

Pinkard Scholars

St. Mary’s Seminary & University’s Pinkard Scholars is the cornerstone of Youth Theological Studies at SMSU.   The high school juniors admitted to this challenging course, RLST235: Thinking Theologically: Christian Hope in Today’s World, explore and increase their understanding of:

Pinkard Scholars learn to articulate and grapple with complicated contemporary themes in a thoughtful and discerning way as individuals and as a small learning community. This course will broaden their capacity:

Pinkard Scholars Program Celebrates its 24th Year!

Information for Nominating Parishes and Schools

If you have a student or students that you’d like to nominate to apply to the Pinkard Scholars Program, share the following Nomination Letter with them. This letter explains that you have nominated them to apply to this exciting program and also gives them information on what is needed to complete the application process. Applications are due by May 16, 2024 and students will be notified by May 31, 2024 if they have been accepted to participate in the program. Applicants are only accepted through nomination.  If you have any questions, please direct them to Colette Zyambo at [email protected].

Information for Nominated Students

If you are a student and have been nominated to apply to the Pinkard Scholars Program, please submit the following forms before May 16, 2024 for consideration. Please follow the directions below:

  1. Complete the Application Formremember, you can only apply if you have been nominated. Submit as instructed in #6 below.
  2. Write two essays (as noted on the application) and submit them in a PDF as instructed in #6 below. Remember to put your name on the Subject Line and also on each of the essays.
  3. Get one person to complete the Recommendation Form below.  You can direct them to the form on this site and have them submit as instructed in #6 below.
  4. Have your school counselor submit the Academic Record Form as instructed in #6 below.
  5. Have your school counselor forward a PDF copy of your transcript as instructed in #6 below.
  6. All forms and material should be submitted by email to Ms. Zyambo at [email protected].

Complete List of Forms/Documents

There is a checklist on the application form. Please check that you have all of the forms filled out and submitted. All forms are to be submitted via email to [email protected]. Please contact Ms. Zyambo by email or call 410-864-4102 if you have any questions.