St. Mary's Seminary & University

Forming Supervisors for Vocational Synthesis

Book Image: Program of Priestly Formation (6th edition)
The PPF re-envisions the final stage of priestly formation.

Forming Supervisors for Vocational Synthesis
a program for pastor-supervisors and their collaborators

Beginning: June 16-19, 2025

The Program of Priestly Formation (6th edition) offers a renewed vision of the final stage of preparation for the priesthood. This requires a refocused set of skills and understanding for pastor-supervisors…inspiring this creative new program from The Center for Continuing Formation.


Rev. Phillip J. Brown, P.S.S., President-Rector
Rev. Phillip J. Brown, P.S.S.

St. Mary’s Seminary & University is pleased to offer a comprehensive formation program of training, resources, and ongoing consultation/support for pastor-supervisors and their collaborators as they accompany and supervise transitional deacons during the Vocational Synthesis Stage of their priestly formation. Our hope is that this program will benefit the pastor-supervisors and their collaborators in the following ways:

  1. Training in accompaniment and supervisory obligations and expectations.
  2. Insight into the pastoral team’s involvement in the transitional deacon’s formational accompaniment.
  3. Ongoing formation in ministry supervision and leadership.
  4. Greater confidence in helping the deacon achieve his formational goals and benchmarks.
  5. Growth in missionary discipleship and pastoral charity.

I look forward to welcoming you to St. Mary’s in 2025.

Rev. Phillip J. Brown, P.S.S.

Downloadable Brochure Booklet for "Forming Supervisors for Vocational Synthesis"View/Download Brochure

View/download a full, four-color brochure on the program.

Why Do We Need This Program?

WHY Does the Church Need This Program?

The Program of Priestly Formation (6th edition) offers a new vision of the final stage of preparation for the priesthood: the Vocational Synthesis stage.

WHO Needs This Program?

Pastor-supervisors and their collaborators:

During this stage, the primary formator of the newly ordained cleric is the pastor of the parish where the deacon is assigned…. The pastor—who should be an exemplary model of the priesthood, aware of his formative task and of his duty to accompany the transitional deacon—should ensure that there are opportunities for discussion of pastoral situations and opportunities for priestly fraternity that will help the deacon transition well to active ministry and ongoing formation. (PPF § 140)

WHAT Is Needed?

The pastor-supervisor and his collaborators need the training, resources, and ongoing consultation and support to embrace their responsibilities, further develop their skills, and expand their understanding of:

  • accompanying…
  • supervising…
  • evaluating…
  • assisting…

…the deacon to achieve his formational goals and the benchmarks of the Vocational Synthesis Stage.

ON WHAT Is the Program Founded?

The Spiritual foundation of the program is the art of accompaniment.

HOW Will the Program Be Offered?

The program is built upon a comprehensive model, combining training (onsite and online), resourcing (print and digital), and ongoing support.

WHEN and WHERE Will It Be Done?

Over six months, from June through November, the program will offer onsite learning on campus in Baltimore, MD (June 16-19, 2025) along with online meetings (August-November 2025), print/digital resources, and personal consultation and support.

Explore all the components of the program: location, staff, and schedule through the following pages:

Accompaniment Is the Foundation

Rembrandt, Jesus and the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus.At the heart of Forming Supervisors for Vocational Synthesis is Accompaniment:

  • The Pastor-Supervisor’s accompaniment of the transitional deacon.
  • The accompaniment of the program team/staff with the participants.
  • The ongoing development of the “art of accompaniment” in all.

About Accompaniment…

Program Model/Sessions

Venn diagram of 'Comprehensive Programming.'The program employs a “comprehensive” approach in which the onsite and online training is combined with resources (print and digital) and ongoing consultation/support.

This page also outlines the specifics of the onsite training and Zoom meeting follow-ups.

About the Program…


True north on the compass: benchmarks.The ultimate end of Forming Supervisors for Vocational Synthesis is the achievement of the formational goals of the transitional deacon, expressed as a set of “benchmarks” to be developed through this stage.


Formation Team

Four puzzle pieces assembled: team.The program has been created and is managed by a team of formation professionals in all four dimensions of priestly formation and decades of combined seminary experience.

Meet the Team…


Q & A Speech Bubbles.A succinct summary of key questions and answers about the program and what participants can expect of their commitment.

Get the Answers…


Register and Cost.Find the details of the costs of the program, the services you can expect, and the link to online registration.



For Further Program Information

or to setup an online information session with Team member(s) contact:

For Registration Information
