St. Mary's Seminary & University

Certificate of Advanced Studies

Who the CAS is for

The post-master’s Certificate of Advanced Studies in Theology (CAS) is designed for individuals who possess a master’s degree in theology (e.g., MAT.), ministry (e.g., MACM), divinity (e.g., MDiv), or a related field and who desire to continue their theological education with a general or focused program of study. (All qualified graduates of St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute, regardless of degree or year of graduation, may apply.)

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10 Courses

Flexible Scheduling

Attend On Campus or Online


CAS Program Overview

The CAS program consists of ten courses, including at least one colloquium or seminar and one directed reading course. The program has three options, or tracks: general, specialized, and research. In general, students construct their own curriculum in consultation with the CAS Director and their advisor, as long as the curriculum falls within the program guidelines specified here and does not duplicate previous graduate work.

The 30-credit (10-course) program can be taken on a full-time or a part-time basis. The program is composed in part of regular courses available to students studying for master’s degrees and in part of specialized, advanced study specific to this program. (Advanced standing with credit, up to six credits, may be available for previous advanced work.) CAS students may specialize in one of the following areas: Biblical Studies, Ecumenical and Interfaith Studies, Moral and Systematic Theology, and Spirituality. Tuition is the same as for the master’s program.

General Track

The curriculum for the CAS general track consists of the following:

  • Eight 700-level courses or approved 600-level courses
    that are augmented and taken as 700-level courses,
  • At least one seminar or colloquium 
  • One directed reading course (TH790)

Students in the general track may take up to one approved independent-study course and any number of approved seminars and colloquia in lieu of the 700-level general course offerings. Students in the general track may take up to six credits in a biblical language at the 600 level.

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Specialized Tracks

CAS students may specialize in one of the following areas: Biblical Studies, Ecumenical and Interfaith Studies, Moral and Systematic Theology, and Spirituality. Students who concentrate in one academic area pursue the following sort of curriculum:

  • Eight 700-level courses or approved 600-level courses that are augmented and taken as 700-level courses, with at least four courses in one academic area (e.g., Biblical Studies or Moral and Systematic Theology)

Note for students specializing in Biblical Studies: All students must take at least four 700-level courses, normally including one OT and one NT course (other than biblical language courses). Students without advanced standing may take up to twelve credits in biblical languages, while students with advanced standing may take up to six credits in biblical languages.

  • At least one seminar or colloquium
  • One TH790 directed reading course in a subject related to the area of specialization

Students in a specialized track may take up to two approved independent-study courses and any number of approved seminars and colloquia in lieu of the 700-level general course offerings, as long as four of their total courses (counting courses, seminars, and independent studies) are in their area of specialization.

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Research Track

CAS students with demonstrated advanced research skills, whose primary interest is in theological research, whether simply as the focus of the CAS program or in preparation for doctoral studies, may pursue the research track. Students in the research track may specialize in a particular academic area, approved by the CAS Director, or follow a more interdisciplinary program. Areas for the specialized research track include Biblical Studies (NT, OT, or both), Ecumenical and Interfaith Studies, Moral and Systematic Theology, and Spirituality. In consultation with the Director of the CAS, they choose an advisor and work closely with the advisor throughout the program.

The course of study for the research track is as follows:

  • Six 700-level courses or approved 600-level courses that are augmented and taken as 700-level courses
  • One seminar or colloquium
  • One directed reading course (TH790)
  • Two guided research projects, TH791 and TH792, each focused on the preparation of a substantive paper or other appropriate final project. The subjects of the two research projects may be related, though they do not need to be.
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Program Learning Outcomes

Successful completion of the CAS will be marked by the ability to demonstrate, both orally and in writing, one of the following major outcomes, depending on the track selected:

  • A broadened and deepened understanding of several theological disciplines beyond that appropriate to a master’s degree (general track)
  • In-depth understanding of a specific academic area of theology beyond that appropriate to a master’s degree (specialized track)
  • In-depth understanding of a specific academic area of theology and proficiency in conducting theological research in that area (research track)

Completion of the Program

An intensive directed-reading course called TH790 CAS Directed Reading is the capstone experience of the program. The student is guided by a member of the faculty on a topic approved by the CAS Director. The course consists of guided reading (approximately 1,500-2,000 pages) on the topic together with appropriate writing projects, normally three critical reviews and a final paper analyzing and synthesizing the materials in the readings. (Note: Tuition for this course is at independent-study rates, 50% higher than regular tuition.) There is no thesis option in the CAS program.

All course work must be completed within five years from the date of the first course taken toward the CAS (excepting advanced-standing credits). A final GPA of 3.00 is required.


Advanced Standing and Course Work Outside the Program

  • CAS applicants may petition the Director of the CAS program for up to six credits of advanced standing with credit on the basis of previous advanced course work (e.g., seminars, research projects) at the master’s level. This reduces the number of credits required to 24.
  • In addition, up to six credits of post-master’s course work taken at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute, but prior to acceptance into the CAS program, may be counted toward the CAS upon the decision of the CAS Director.
  • With the permission of the appropriate seminary administrator(s), students may take up to nine pre-approved credits in St. Mary’s School of Theology (SOT). (Please note that the SOT uses a different numbering system; approved courses are generally at the 600 level or higher.)
  • No transfer of courses from other institutions into the CAS program is permitted.
  • All course work must be completed within five years from the date of the first course taken toward the CAS (excepting advanced-standing credits).

The CAS allowed me to both broaden some of my experience in areas of particular interest and continue to be guided by extraordinary faculty. Nathanael Briggs, CAS ’22