St. Mary's Seminary & University

Master of Arts in Christian Ministries

Master of Arts in Christian Ministries

The Master of Arts in Christian Ministries (MACM) is designed to equip persons for a competent ministry in congregational or other settings. Students take foundational studies, a ministry emphasis, and engage in integration and contextual study including a capstone ministry project in the course Ministry in Context.

Admissions Process

Degree Learning Outcomes

This program of preparation includes not only intellectual but also ministerial and spiritual elements. In developing the understanding and skills necessary for ministry leadership, MACM graduates will be able to:

  • Integrate Scripture in ministerial identity and practice
  • Integrate Christian tradition in ministerial identity and practice
  • Demonstrate growth in faith commitment and spiritual awareness
  • Design, implement, and assess contextualized ministry
  • Employ ecumenical understanding and respect in working collegially with persons of other Christian traditions

The Curriculum

The curriculum of the Master of Arts in Christian Ministries program consists of 48 credits (16 three-credit courses) including seven foundational courses, three ministry integration courses, four ministry focus courses, and two electives.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements for the Master of Arts in Christian Ministries are as follows:

  • Satisfactory completion of 48 credits, according to the core requirements
  • A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 for all courses taken at St. Mary’s. Note: Students whose GPA falls below 2.7 risk academic probation or dismissal.
  • Satisfactory completion of culminating experience.

Course Requirements

The following courses are required for the Master of Arts in Christian Ministries.

Foundational Courses (8 courses)

  • TH601 Introduction to Theological Study
    Note: TH601 is normally a pre- or corequisite for other courses in the program; students with prior theological study may petition to waive this course and substitute a free elective.
  • BS600 Orientation to Biblical Studies
    Note: BS600 is normally a pre- or corequisite for most other courses in biblical studies in the program; students with prior academic biblical study may petition to replace this course with a biblical elective.
  • BS621 The Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Bible
  • BS622 The Literature and Theology of the New Testament
  • H600 Church History
  • ST601 Foundations of Systematic Theology
  • MT600 Fundamentals of Theological Ethics
  • PT718 Christian Worship

Ministry Integration Courses (9 credit hours ~ 3 courses)

  • PT601 Foundations of Christian Ministry (normally the first ministry course taken)
  • A suitable course in the oral interpretation of Scripture
  • PT799 Ministry in Context (usually the final course in the program)

Ministry Focus Courses (4 courses)

Students take four courses in a focused area of ministry, which is declared an Emphasis with approval of the Director of the M.A. in Christian Ministries. These courses are generally PT or SP. However, students may choose not to focus.

Elective (1 course)

Any course in the curriculum

My ministry has been enriched by the diversity of traditions and theological perspectives held by my fellow students and faculty. Derek Miller, MACM, MAT ’19