St. Mary's Seminary & University

The Annual Dunning Memorial Lecture

The annual Dunning Memorial Lecture is made possible by the first endowment gift ever given to St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute. It came in the first years of the Ecumenical Institute (1971-72) as a gift of J. Fitzgerald Dunning, one of the EI’s first Honorary Directors. From that first lecture in 1972 until the present, a parade of distinguished Dunning lecturers have contributed to the increase of ecumenical and interfaith understanding.

Our 2024 Annual Dunning Lecture was given by Peter Casarella, Ph.D., Professor of Theology at Duke Divinity School. His lecture, entitled “Mary & the Holy Spirit: Pastoral Paradigms & Ecumenical Challenges,” took place on Tuesday, October 15, at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Seminary & University, with a simultaneous broadcast via Zoom.

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Most Recent Lecture

Previous Lectures

2024 Mary and the Holy Spirit: Pastoral Paradigms and Ecumenical Challenges Peter Casarella
2023 Preaching from the Cross: A Reflection on Paul’s Theology of Preaching Frank J. Matera
2022 Romero and the Preferential Option for the Poor: An Ecumenical Praxis Edgardo Colón-Emeric
2021 The Mission of the Holy Son Into an Unholy World Katherine Sonderegger
2019 Interpreting the Gospel of John: Writing a Commentary in Good Company Marianne Meye Thompson
2018 Saving Christianity from the Racial State Willie James Jennings
2017 Where are the Nail Prints? Luther’s Road to Reformation Faith and What it Means for Us Today Timothy George
2017 Liberty and the Things of God: Christian Origins of Religious Freedom Robert Louis Wilken
2015 The Puzzles of the Cross: Ancient Texts, Contemporary Challenge N. T. Wright
2014 Theology as a Way of Life Rowan Williams
2013 Jesus as Remembered by John James D.G. Dunn
2012 The Death of the Messiah: Theology, Spirituality, Politics Michael J. Gorman
2011 Do Muslims & Christians Worship the Same God? Miroslav Volf
2010 A Living Creature: A Biblical Perspective on Land Care and Use Ellen Davis
2009 Torture & Christians George Hunsinger
2008 Justification & Justice Michael J. Gorman
2007 Jesus & Judaism: The Connection Still Matters Amy-Jill Levine
2006 What Are We to Think of the Gospel of Judas? Craig A. Evans
2004 Remembering Jesus: What the Quest of the Historical Jesus Forgot James D.G. Dunn
2004 Just Peacemaking in the 21st Century Glen H. Stassen
2002 Modern Religious Fundamentalisms & Violence Martin E. Marty
2001 The Death of the Messiah & the Destruction of the Temple John R. Donahue, S.J.
2000 Jesus’ Resurrection & Christian Origins N.T. Wright
1999 On Being a Christian & an American Stanley Hauerwas
1998 Tradition in Slow Motion Jaroslav Pelikan
1997 The Authority of the New Testament in Christian Ethics Richard B. Hays
1996 The Circle of 12 Disciples: A Creation of Jesus or of the Early Church? John P. Meier
1995 The Afrocentric Idea in Ecumenical Dialogue Cheryl J. Sanders
1994 Christian Social Witness John Howard Yoder

*no lecture was held in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic