St. Mary's Seminary & University

Financial Aid

EI Scholarships

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute has limited scholarship funds that are awarded to students on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, sponsorship by a church or other institution, or other criteria. (Auditors are not eligible for scholarships or other forms of financial aid.) Scholarship applications are due August 1, December 1, and May 1 for the following term. Once an award is made in an academic year, no additional materials need to be submitted until the following academic year. Late applications are considered only in extenuating circumstances.

Need-Based Scholarships

The Dunning Memorial Fund provides partial tuition scholarships for fully matriculated master’s degree candidates who (a) have completed at least five hours at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and (b) have demonstrated financial need.

The Olin P. Moyd Memorial Scholarship Fund, honoring a long-term, beloved member of the St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute faculty who died in 2005, provides partial tuition scholarships to students with demonstrated academic success and potential for theological and/or ministerial leadership in the African-American community and have demonstrated financial need.

Academic Achievement Scholarships

Dean’s List Scholarships (partial tuition for one course) are awarded annually to fully matriculated master’s degree candidates with the highest cumulative GPA (minimum 3.85) who have completed at least 8 hours at St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute, including a total of six or more credits within two of the three terms preceding the announcement of the Dean’s List. Recipients of Dean’s List scholarships may choose to offer their scholarship to benefit a student in need.

Other Ecumenical Institute of Theology Scholarships

The Abrahams Family Foundation Fund provides partial tuition scholarships for students, called “Abrahams Fellows.” Preference is given to Methodist ministers and ministerial candidates, and to fully matriculated degree candidates.

The Bishop Doll Scholarship is awarded to an admitted D.Min. student from the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland from an historically underprivileged background. 

Partnership scholarships are given to master’s level students each term (subject to availability) who have the financial support of their church or employer. The partner agrees to provide a scholarship and the Ecumenical Institute provides a matching scholarship up to 1/3 of the tuition. New students are eligible.

The Patterson Memorial Scholarship Fund provides partial tuition scholarships, preferably to Methodist students, called “Patterson Fellows,” who are committed to lay or ordained ministry, preferably in an urban context.

Rafferty Scholarships are available to highly qualified Roman Catholic students preparing for lay ecclesial ministry.

Other Forms of Financial Aid

Local judicatories and religious bodies offer denominational or congregational scholarships from time to time. Students should inquire at their churches or denominational offices.