St. Mary's Seminary & University


The School of Theology is the program for the theological formation of seminarians at St. Mary’s Seminary & University. The School of Theology offers degree programs and courses primarily to resident Catholic seminarians. On a very limited basis, it may also admit full-time non-resident students not preparing for the Roman Catholic priesthood with the clear understanding that the School of Theology’s academic and pastoral programs are specifically designed for Catholic seminarians and, in large measure, prescribed by the U.S. Bishops’ Program of Priestly Formation (PPF).

By virtue of its charter, St. Mary’s students can also earn from St. Mary’s Ecclesiastical Theological Faculty the ecclesiastical degrees of Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.) and Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) concurrently with civil degrees.

Admission Requirements

Admission of Resident Seminarians Prerequisites
The applicant must have a formal letter of recommendation and commitment from the sponsoring diocese prior to scheduling an admissions interview. In addition, the following materials should be sent to the Vice Rector’s Office at the address below as soon as possible:

  1. Official transcripts from all colleges, universities, and theologates attended;
  2. Application form and fee;
  3. Baptism and confirmation certificates;
  4. Statement on the priesthood;
  5. Evaluations and/or recommendations from previous seminaries or houses of formation;
  6. Autobiography;
  7. Job performance review from current or most recent employer;
  8. Physical exam report, including tuberculosis and HIV test results;
  9. Copy of current visa and passport if non-US citizen and address in country of citizenship;
  10. Copy of latest TOEFL scores and reports if non-native speaker of English;
  11. Federal and state criminal background checks;
  12. Psychological report;
  13. Two recent photos.

An Admissions Committee reviews applications of prospective resident seminarians and makes its recommendations to the President Rector who sends notice regarding acceptance both to the applicant and to his sponsoring diocese. In order to schedule a visit to St. Mary’s, request an application packet, or request information about tuition and fees, please contact:

Assistant to the Vice Rector & Coordinator of Pastoral Formation
St. Mary’s Seminary and University
5400 Roland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21212
[email protected]

Next, Transfer of Credits…