St. Mary's Seminary & University

Dr. Audra Dugandzic

Assistant Professor of Religious Studies

B.A., The Catholic University of America
M.A., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame

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Dr. Audra Dugandzic joins the faculty this academic year after serving as an adjunct faculty member. She is a sociologist of religion and culture specializing in American Catholicism. Her book manuscript, in progress, examines how and why the implementation of liturgical changes following the Second Vatican Council have become implicated in polarization among Catholics in the United States. Dr. Dugandzic has won competitive grants to support this work from the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, the Religious Research Association, and the University of Notre Dame. Her peer-reviewed work on how physical-place characteristics afford religious practice has appeared in Sociology of Religion.

Dr. Dugandzic holds a B.A. in psychology and politics, with minors in philosophy and theology & religious studies, from The Catholic University of America. She holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Notre Dame, where she studied under the direction of Dr. Christian Smith. At Notre Dame, she was a Notebaert Fellow and Sorin Fellow at the deNicola Center for Ethics and Culture.

Dr. Dugandzic resides in Baltimore with her husband and two young children. She is fluent in Lithuanian.

Selected Courses Taught

  • Contemporary Philosophy
  • Sources of American Culture
  • Religious Landscapes
  • Faith in a Secular Age

Service to the Church

  • Invited speaker at local Baltimore parishes and the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Topics: intergenerational religious transmission; Sacrosanctum Concilium and active participation in the liturgy.

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed

  • Dugandzic, A. 2022. “Reconnecting Religion and Community in a Small City: How Urban Amenities Afford Religious Amenities.” Sociology of Religion 83(4): 434-458. (Online first, 2021).

Book Reviews

  • Dugandzic, A. 2024. Review of Practicing Christians, Practical Atheists: How Cultural Liturgies and Everyday Social Practices Shape the Christian Life by Phil Davignon. 2023. Eugene, OR: Cascade Press. Review of Religious Research. Online first.
  • Dugandzic, A. 2021. Review of Catholic Activism Today: Individual Transformation and the Struggle for Social Justice by Maureen K. Day. 2020. New York: NYU Press. Sociology of Religion 82(2): 248-250.
  • Dugandzic, A. 2018. Review of Perseverance in the Parish? Religious Attitudes from a Black Catholic Perspective by Darren Davis and Donald Pope-Davis. 2017. New York: Cambridge. First Things (June/July).


Recommended Reading

  • Jean Daniélou, Prayer as a Political Problem
  • Abigail Favale, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory
  • Saba Mahmood, Religious Difference in a Secular Age
  • Christian Smith, Bridget Ritz, and Michael Rotolo, Religious Parenting
  • Stephen Bullivant, Mass Exodus: Catholic Disaffiliation in Britain and America

Experience shows that it is practically impossible for any but the militant Christian to persevere in a milieu which offers him no support. … Such Christians have need of an environment that will help them. [Prayer as a Political Problem] Jean Daniélou