St. Mary's Seminary & University


Registration Procedures

Registration forms are available on the Forms page.

Students may register by mail or by emailing a registration form.

Registration after the first meeting of a class requires the approval of both the instructor and the Dean. Continuing students must meet all previous financial obligations to St. Mary’s before they are permitted to register for a new term. After students register, the registrar’s office sends a schedule confirmation by mail.

St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute reserves the right to limit enrollment in any course or to cancel any course for insufficient enrollment, in which case students will be notified and full reimbursement will be made.

Change of Registration

All changes in registration (credit to audit, audit to credit, and withdrawal) must be made by submitting a written, signed notice to the Registrar’s office. Email messages are not acceptable, though emails of forms are acceptable. Changes are effective when received by the Registrar. A “drop-add” period of one week at the beginning of each semester allows students to change course registrations without penalty. A student may change from credit to audit or audit to credit up to the mid-point of the term. (The specific date is published in the school calendar.) A student may withdraw from a course at any time prior to the final week of classes. All other changes of registration must be approved by the Dean.

Administrative Withdrawal

A student may be administratively withdrawn from a course for failing to meet financial obligations, failing to meet minimum attendance requirements (including patterns of tardiness), or violating the Community-Life Agreement or the Community-Life Policies printed in the Student Handbook. Students who are administratively withdrawn receive no credit and no refund of monies paid. They are responsible for tuition costs, according to the schedule on the Payment Policies page, until the date of the administrative withdrawal.